How to Plan Your Sprint effectively?

Hany Hossny, PhD
2 min readAug 1, 2024

People jump to sprints without addressing issues might hinder the delivery in time. Sprints create time boxing for tasks and commitment for team. Otherwise, it is a decorative framework with no increase in team efficiency.

I drafted the questions below to ask at sprint planning, these guarantee any issues will be anticipated or mitigated before causing delays in delivery.

  1. Availability: How much time do we have this week, considering leaves, holidays, and wellness days?

2. Workload and Stories: What stories are in our backlog for this sprint?

3. Prioritization Criteria

  • How much development time is needed for each story? (Shorter tasks first)
  • How long have the tasks been waiting? (Older tasks first)
  • What is the impact of each task? (Higher impact first)
  • Who is the stakeholder? (Executive team tasks first)

4. Dependencies and Blockers

  • Are there any dependencies that need to be addressed before starting certain stories?
  • Are there any unresolved blockers from the previous sprint?

5. Team Capacity

  • What is each team member’s capacity for this sprint?



Hany Hossny, PhD

An AI/ML enthusiast, academic researcher, and lead scientist @ Australia. I like to make sense of data and help businesses to be data-driven